Hamham Waterfall, Moulovibazaar
This was my second attempt to vanquish the remote waterfall Hummum(হাম্মাম) from Rajkandi(রাজকান্দি) reserve forest, Moulvibazar(মৌলভীবাজার). Last time I couldn't reach towards the waterfall with my team comprises of ten members due to extreme adversity from weather.
Back to the current expedition. This time we are a team having four Sohel, Lr Polok, Anik, Babu(বাবু), and I'm the Demon Hunter. We have commenced our journey at morning 5:00 and Sohel was driving his car. When we were at Srimangal(শ্রীমঙ্গল) town, it was 8:15 at morning. After our breakfast at a local restaurant, we have started for Champarai Bazaar(চাম্পারাই বাজার). It was several minutes past of 9:00 at when we were at that bazaar.
There, people are now a days trying to make money from the tourists. They are forcing to pick guides from them and possibly it was around 300 taka per guide. Since we have already known to the path, and we have the path loaded on our GPS navigator, we were reluctant to pick any guides. But they were compelling to hire one from them.
By paying 50 Taka, somehow we have managed to escape. From the bazaar we were walking with moderate pace through the muddy road. Interestingly a local tractor(use to transport tea-leafs and other stuffs for tea gardens) offered us a free ride. We enthusiastically accepted the offer. They have dropped us almost near to the Kolabon Para(কলাবন পারা) village.
One of the guy from the village wanted to join us as a guide, but we have denied him politely and thanked him for the offer. Last time there were only one path to reach at the waterfall. But right now people made another twos, possibly shorter in distance. But we didn't know that. We were walking over the new path, and our GPS was showing "Off trek". May be it would be a shortcut, but we didn't want to use this one. So we walked back and picked the right path.
Last time it was raining, so the whole road was packed with tons of blood sucking leeches. But this time it is clean sky with plenty of sunlight. The jungle was warm, and the trek was dry enough to retreat the leeches from the main course.
When we have reached at the Jhiri(ঝিরি), it was having water flowing, but not that much as we have seen last time. We were walking through the Jhiri(ঝিরি) cautiously. The water from the Jhiri(ঝিরি) was not clean like Bandarban(বান্দরবান), too much murky. We have experienced the water height almost up to our waist at some places.
Possibly it was almost 2:00 when we have reached at the waterfall. I was excited by the picturesque beauty of the waterfall, but equally was feeling hapless by the presence of hundreds of tourists who were gathering there. People made that place a picnic spot. They came here with 'picnic lunch packs', but none of them were showing any interest to collect the leftovers. They were just messing that place with those urban stuffs and causing a serious damage over the natural value.
The waterfall is wider enough compare to others from Bangladesh. Possibly it is 20-30 ft in width, and I'm not sure about the height. May be somewhere between 70-100 ft. The amount of water flow was not that much right now, but it had the minimum number of water to please a visitor like me.
After enjoying the beauty of the Hummam waterfall(হাম্মাম ঝরনা) with such a massive crowd, we started to return back. Like our other tours, we were silent and calm during returning. Non of us talked too much. Just walking and was thinking about what we were leaving.
During walking, nail from my one finger was ripped off from my foot. So I wasn't feeling comfortable in wearing shoes. I have taken my shoe off from my left foot, and walked with only single one. Carried both the shoes at the village, and gifted those to a guy from there. He was initially feeling shy to take those shoes, but later was exulted to get those.
We were messed up by sweating and mud. We wanted to be freshen up from the pond beside the mosque. But interestingly and unfortunately, the dumb Imam from the mosque didn't allow us to do so. There was a temple at the bazaar, and that has a large pond too. People suggested us to use that one, and this time no one did forbid us. After refreshment, two of us went to the mosque for prayer, but again the Imam didn't help(prayer ended half an our ago, so he wasn't interested to open the gate until next prayer).
Before 10 minutes of sunset, we have left the bazaar, and when we have reached at Dhaka, it was almost 12:00. We had a dinner break at a roadside restaurant.
During this tour Lr Polok showed his stamina once again. he did drive the car during both rides, and also trekked with us. More or less we were sleeping at the car, but he was always cogitate until his task was finished.
** Few people are calling the waterfall as Hummum/Hammam Jhorna.
** Almost every local people are calling the waterfall as Humhum/Hum Hum/Ham Ham.
** Local people are calling the waterfall as Sitap too. Possibly they are calling the waterfall as Hamham, and calling the water beneath the waterfall as Sitap. Not sure.
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